Posts Tagged ‘smell’

As the new year approached, I couldn’t dump the Christmas tree fast enough.

Loved the smell. And the beauty of it. A thing to behold.

But when I’m done? I’m done.


This year I am keeping the smell of Christmas with me for a little while longer.

By making my own safe, non-toxic, eco-friendly cleaning solution.

I cut the branches. Soaked in mild soap and rinsed. Because who knows what all was up in those trees. Patted dry. Stuffed the branches into the glass, sealable jars. Then poured in white vinegar. Topped them off with a few drops of peppermint oil. Sealed and stored in a cool, dark place.

Should be ready in a week to ten days.

I’ll let you know how things progress.

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We sometimes forget that certain smells promote a feeling of well being.

Like laundry.

I mean the smell of clean laundry.

There are even candles and sachets named “Fresh Laundry” or “Clean Linen” out there. Because people love this scent.

If you live in a place where the laundry is dried outside all year then you are fortunate. You get that outdoor scent naturally. You don’t need my “Feel Good” list. You’re probably breathing in that “clean air” smell from your sheets at this very moment. As you should. Lovely scents trigger positive responses.

But for those who use a clothes dryer due to weather and/or the seasons you can try this for a pick me up.


These are two wool dryer balls. They help reduce static electricity and drying time in the machine.

I add just a little something to the mix.


These are essential oils. I’ll be honest. They’re not the real expensive ones.

I find them in Marshalls and TJ Maxx which are discount department stores in the U.S. Same place I bought the dryer balls.

I put drops of the oil on the dryer balls. Once absorbed they are ready to work their magic on the load of wet clothes thrown into the dryer.

The end result is warm sheets, towels or clothes that smell like lemongrass or eucalyptus.

Or whatever wonderful smell you want it to be. Clean laundry? Bergamot? Spearmint?

Smell whatever you want.

I inhale the scent and it lifts me up for a moment.

Try the dryer balls with essential oils for a quick “feel good” sniff during the long/short days this winter.

Maybe you’ll find one called “Beach” or “Summer Days.”


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