Posts Tagged ‘safe’

As the new year approached, I couldn’t dump the Christmas tree fast enough.

Loved the smell. And the beauty of it. A thing to behold.

But when I’m done? I’m done.


This year I am keeping the smell of Christmas with me for a little while longer.

By making my own safe, non-toxic, eco-friendly cleaning solution.

I cut the branches. Soaked in mild soap and rinsed. Because who knows what all was up in those trees. Patted dry. Stuffed the branches into the glass, sealable jars. Then poured in white vinegar. Topped them off with a few drops of peppermint oil. Sealed and stored in a cool, dark place.

Should be ready in a week to ten days.

I’ll let you know how things progress.

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Hope everyone is enjoying their Friday and looking forward to the weekend.

Of course, you might be at home like me and the weekend looks alarmingly like Tuesday or Wednesday. I am sure, one day soon, the days will once again define our weeks in a real way.

In the meantime, release your inner artist! I know there are some who are reading this and thinking, “I don’t have an artistic bone in my body.”

I’m not talking about whipping out supplies and painting a beautiful landscape.

It could be as simple as crayons and a coloring book. Painting a flower pot. Making stakes for an herb garden.

You will find moments of peace.

We chose rocks. I know my girls probably thought it was goofy at first. But they later said it was therapeutic.

First we painted some for a friend of ours who recently lost her husband. We made plant markers for the garden that he once tended with his little grandsons.


Then I painted a bunch for my garden so I will actually remember what’s what!


I know that there won’t be any prizes for “Artist of the Year” awarded but it was a nice, calming way to pass a little time.

So, release your inner artist. Have a lovely Tuesday! Oops! Have a fabulous weekend!

Stay safe.

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