Posts Tagged ‘hoarding’

Neighbors of ours recently moved. Headed North to Maine for their next chapter in retirement.

Before they left, like many of us, the need to rid themselves of “stuff” loomed large.

The woman, not on any of the Facebook/social media sites, wanted to donate a few things. A china cabinet and some beds. I offered, social media hound that I am, to post them on one of the “Free” pages.

So, this led to many conversations about being lean and mean, stream-lining and liberating oneself from things.

I said, “Meg, in my experience with many moves, it truly comes down to just one thing. Honesty.”

Note: This does not apply to hoarders who suffer from an illness. I’m just referring to the majority of folks, like us, who have items in our home that we do not use and will never use. But others can use.

For example. The closet.

If there are items in the closet not being worn, chances are, there is a good reason.

It doesn’t fit. Never fit properly. Wrong color. Shoes are uncomfortable. Never been a scarf person. Sleeves too tight on the arms. Pants sag in all the wrong places. Blouse too low-cut. Not a hat lover. Sale item. Out of style. And on and on.

So, if we are being truly honest? We know that none of these things will change. The shoes will never fit like a glove. Not going to wake up one day and suddenly love hats. Sleeves will never miraculously be too loose.

One day, Meg said to me. “Thank you, Mary.”

I asked, “For what?”

She replied, “I was standing in my closet and remembered what you said. I asked myself if I was being honest?”

Meg and her husband are now ensconced in the backwoods of Maine.

A little lighter and a lot freer. Enjoying a life less encumbered.

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