Posts Tagged ‘health care’

Hello there. Writing a quick thank you. WordPress informed me that I had been blogging for fifteen years! So thank you for following my words while I share my thoughts, observations, inanities and opinions!

A lot has changed in fifteen years. So, so, so much. But that’s life. Ever changing. It’s not supposed to be stagnant. Or fair. If life was fair socks would never have their own designated drawer. Am I right?

I actually reread an old blog posting of mine from 2009. It was about some quiz people were taking called “Top 5 Things I Hate That Everyone Else Seems To Like.” Hate is a pretty strong word so I used “Strongly Dislike.” I was curious to see how I had grown. Evolved. Am I ever changing?

Nope. No growth in that category. I’m here to tell you my dislikes haven’t changed one little minute. Those five things are still things that do not appeal to me. But, and I have to say this, they are just things. Except Justin Timberlake. He is not a thing.

I am still not a fan of Uggs or Justin Timberlike. And that poor boy has never done a darn thing to me. I want to like him. But I am not there yet. I guess some things don’t change. I also don’t like honey because it’s sticky. So you can see where my head is at any given moment.

But have I grown as a person? Since 2009? Yes, I have. One could even argue not for the better. 🙂 But I have made changes.

Most recent change has to do with the loss of my beloved parents. Besides grief the reality is that there ain’t nobody left between me and God. So, there’s that truth bomb. What do I do with that and how do I live the best life-not my best life? I found that as a person advocates, navigates health care, oversees legal matters, dismantles a childhood home, experiences the death process etc. a whole lot of “unasked for” learning takes place. I’ve prioritized, planned, executed and been more decisive than my Libra self ever thought possible. I try to share my experience. I am applying what I have learned to my own life. But honestly, I’ve just learned to be more self aware. How does that learning translate into actual change?

What can I let go of now? Do I want to engage in this or that? How can I better prepare? Is it necessary to climb on the drama roller coasters with others? What is truly important as I move forward? How can I do my part in the world?

These questions and my honest answers are what brings me some solace while I continue my journey toward change and evolution.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!

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I headed to the medical center, this past Friday, for the big, annual, one stop shopping. The all-encompassing physical examination. First time I was to experience it in Malaysia.

It was on my to do list. Since the end of summer. It was either that or address other things on the list. Like train my dog.

What does that say about me? That the poking of needles and exploration of every orifice of my body wins out over dog training.

When I was younger I prepared for a visit to the doctor’s like I was embarking on a honeymoon. Extra care taken here and there.

Then I got older (and wiser) and figured out that I am a neat, clean, fairly well-groomed, presentable person and I don’t need to prepare an extra minute before heading to the appointment. The way I present myself to medical professionals should be the same as if I were meeting my kids’ teachers. With or without clothes.

I also don’t hide my underwear under the pile of my other clothes in the examination room. Nothing wrong with my knickers so you can usually find them displayed proudly (somewhat boldly) on top of the heap.

The forties are such liberating years.

Back to the actual appointment. As is usually the case, a urine sample is the first of their many requests.

I ask, “How much?”

Not as in,”How much do you want for it?” As in, “How much do you really need?”

She told me a half full cup would be great. Isn’t she the eternal optimist?

Then I am told that I should catch the sample mid stream. Not the beginning. Mid stream. Like I am fly fishing in Montana catching a carp or salmon.

It’s a tricky business. You want me to get started? Then kick it into idle so I can have that cup, at the ready,halfway through this thing? And how, just how, do I know when it’s half full? I am not a contortionist. And staying in synch during an aerobics class is a chore for me. Following this choreography was bound to be messy.

Well, I always try to follow directions. But it wasn’t easy. And then it was getting heavy so I looked and it was full! Like “my cup is about to runneth over” full! What should I do? She said half.

As I said, I am a follower of directions. I poured some into the toilet. It somehow felt wrong. Like I was trying to hide the evidence.

And then I put it in the box with the others. On the side of the sink.

I’m not a competitive person by nature. But I couldn’t help comparing my urine with the others. I know. I am so twisted.

Not a close up comparison. But a mere scanning of the inventory from a good distance. I wasn’t reading the names on the labels.

In the United States it’s a private business. No cups would dare fraternize with other specimen cups. You take your little cup and put it in a secret vault in the wall. Someone on other side will come along and collect it. No one’s the wiser. No eight packs of yellow gold just sitting together at the watering hole.

Mine was nearly colorless. Could have been a contender at a Russian vodka tasting. Others were bright yellow. Too many vitamins?

And none of them were full like mine. I am not sure how they managed it but they were not even a quarter full. I yelled at the specimens, “She said half full! What didn’t you understand about that?”

Anyway, that was the beginning.

I had my mammogram, pap smear, bone density test, stress test (yes, sometimes I get a little stressed) hearing test, vision test, abdominal scan, chest x-ray, lung capacity test and blood work.

Of course, I had to have a full bladder for the abdominal scan. Ummm, can we wait just a little awhile? For the love of God, I just filled up a thermos of urine! So, I had to chug water like I was in a beer drinking frat house. Okay, that’s an oxymoron. But you know what I mean.

The doctor was great. It was determined I still have a heart. And I guess I am a bit competitive if the buckets of sweat produced during my stint on the treadmill is any indication. Mary versus the peaks and valleys of electrical activity from her own heart. At least I know the competition. Honestly, I’m just not right in the head.

Results at the end of the day? The usual wear and tear but overall pretty good for an old dame.

And while I laugh during the experience, tease the doctors and the nurses and generally act the fool, I do, in fact, take it seriously. Was relieved that all turned out well.

When I was a kid I would ask my dad what he wanted for his birthday. He always replied with the same answer, “My health.”

He truly meant it and so do I.

Put health screenings and examinations on your to do list. Make sure it’s the first thing on that list. It’s always going to be more important than a barking dog.

Best of health to you all.

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