Posts Tagged ‘latin’

Last Autumn, I was messing around with Latin. The language. Not a person.

There is an on-line site called “Duolingo.” Believe me, it’s not like I didn’t have anything else going on at the time. But I forged ahead because that is what I do. Many irons in the fire. Or none.

I am interested in word origins. And I do a lot of genealogy. Mostly with Irish-Catholic records so I frequently stumble upon Latin words and names. It was a natural path to that particular site.

But, like many of us, I know my limitations. Many other things needed my attention. So “Duolingo” fell by the wayside.

Then one day I received an email.


In the header of the email. “You made Duo sad.”

That irked me. Yes, it caught my attention (kudos to the hip kids crafting the correspondence) but it annoyed me.

Designed to touch upon a person’s feelings.

Guilt. Inferiority.

Then trying for the hook, line and sinker of fierce competition.

Wait, what?? You ditched Duo and he had to go on without you? Duo learned that much Latin AND made his own sourdough?

So much unpacking to do with that brief email. Here is their message.

Duo and I began at the same time. Then I abandoned him because I am a horrible person. A flat-leaver. But HE kept with it because persistence is key. Totally blew by me in the learning process. Accomplished so much in a month. Then, if that wasn’t enough? Duo was able to manage a sourdough starter. So there!

A fabulous reminder.

You really want to feel guilty? Experience feelings of “less than” or competitiveness?

I do not recommend it. But if you must? That’s on you. Own it. And examine the source.

But do not. Do not. Do not allow anyone else the power to elicit those feelings.

No matter the language.

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