Posts Tagged ‘Daughter’

My younger daughter is encouraging me to continue my education. I am actually considering it. The kids have flown the coop and I am not ready to be put out to pasture quite yet.

So I started slowly exploring it. Not even to complete a degree but because I am so very curious about things. Not calculus. No, not that. Other subjects. 🙂

My first on-line search was a nearby private, liberal arts university. Would be super convenient. I typed in the address to access their website. Was a bit dismayed when I found the description of their program that would suit an adult learner like me.


I then started poking around the website. The errors in grammar and spelling throughout the site were more than a few.

Now, nobody’s perfect. I totally get that.

But I am allowed to make all the spelling mistakes in the world. Because I am a learner. Not an institute of learning!

Of course, I feel it’s my duty to let them know that their website needs some attention.

Side note: I also let a local long-standing brewery know that their web page needed a spelling correction. And kept the administrator of an author’s Facebook page in the loop when errors glared. Can’t help myself.

If someone has a business or product they want to sell then I think it absolutely needs to be done properly and professional. On-line or not.

It is no different than the receptionist at a Doctor’s office. It helps form the first impression and is a representation of your business. Or how you do business.

Now, let me git bak to explorring mi opchins for furtha edukacation.


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My youngest daughter, home for the holidays, walked out of our pantry and commented, “Really, Mom?”

She had a glass jar in her hand. In black print was a single word.


Wait. That’s not unusual for a pantry staple, is it???


Except, to her dismay, it didn’t actually contain flour.

I glanced over and said, “Ah. Never mind. Just turn it around.”


She turned the container around and it now displayed, “Light Brown Sugar.”

All was right in the world again.

Got me thinking. What a great piece of advice for this new year. For you and me.

Just turn it around. 

It might be about making small changes. Or big!  Could be our attitude or how we are dealing with something.

Just turn it around.

It’s not just for pantry items anymore.


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I received a notification today that congratulated me on my ninth anniversary of blogging.

Geez. Feels like those years went by rather quickly.

I could say a lot has changed for me in nine years. But you could say the same. I mean, that’s almost a decade. A long time.

Think about a baby being born and then fast forward nine years. Whoa. That’s a whole lot of change taking place.

One thing hasn’t changed and makes me so grateful. I am able to wake up and put my fingers on a keyboard and type away. That’s truly a gift. Each and every day. Not my actual writing. BUT the ability to move my fingers, read, type and comprehend. 

I’m also very grateful for YOU. Thank you for following my blog and for your many supportive comments along the way.

Also a big shout out and sincere thanks to my lovely daughter, Hannah, who was just a little kid nine years ago. Now she is a nineteen year old university freshman. It’s a pretty sure bet that if she didn’t set up this blog for me then it never would have happened. She also chose the name and tagline. Not bad for a pipsqueak.

Thanks again and have a wonderful weekend!

Big hugs,






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I’ve spent a lot of time in airports. My last posting was about arrival gates.

I suppose I will just continue with that thread.

Some years ago my daughter, in high school at the time, was returning from Syria where she had been studying for the summer.

I was sort of jacked up anyway. Having just experienced the thrill of seeing/feeling the international airplanes arriving, flat on my back, staring at their bellies.

So, my heart was fluttering while I was waiting for Rory at LAX.

I kept asking, “Is that her? Is that her?”

It was a long time to be separated from my first born. I’m not sure what I was expecting in my emotional state.

I spied a young girl in the crowd at the arrival gate.

“Is that her??????”

Finally, Annie said, “No, Mom, it’s not her. Unless she’s grown five inches and is now a Latina.”



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