Posts Tagged ‘black swallowtail’

I learn something new every day. And I am aware.

My husband is amazed at the things I see and hear. “How can you be so aware of some things and yet……?”

Could be big stuff but most often it’s just the little things.

Like I was curious about some parsley I planted in my front garden which is usually reserved for flowers. It was not a thought out plan. I just ran out of space in my pots. Plunked it into the bed. This plant actually flourished. More so than any parsley plant in the backyard or the patio pots.

Life is truly a mystery.

I had a look at the mound of green and noticed a bunch of caterpillars. Upon closer observation I saw them chomping away at the leaves. Going at a good clip. Sort of eating like I do when I have a favorite meal in front of me.

These suckers are Parsley Caterpillars aka Black Swallowtail and they stink. Literally. If provoked they instantly release two bright orange antennae. Like a little snake with a forked tongue. Accompanied by a rotten smell. Yep, these little guys cause a stink. That’s what keeps them safe from predators.

Don’t worry. I didn’t send them to an early demise. I appreciate a good pollinator just like the next guy. They are safe and sound. And so is the parsley plant.

The moral of the story is this. Cause a stink, stay protected and eat your greens.

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