Posts Tagged ‘roses’

I think it’s important to know what you like. And what you don’t.

Yesterday there was a bottle of honey on my kitchen counter. Not mine. I went to move it and my fingers got all sticky. And stayed sticky.

And the one thought that was reinforced (once again!) is that I really don’t like honey. It’s okay for Winnie the Pooh and Yogi Bear. But not for me. I am not a big fan of honey laden desserts. Or honey in my tea. The taste is not enough for me to get past the stickiness. I cannot stand stickiness of any kind. Public toilet floor or my dining table.

Don’t get me wrong. I have nothing against the producing bees. They are working their little wings off every minute and get very high marks from me in the hard work category.

It’s just like rose gardening. Sure, they are beautiful and sometimes sweet-smelling. But they are thorny. And I just don’t like hurting myself.  I’ve planted the bushes before and end up spewing vitriol every time a thorn causes a pull in my shirt or scratches my skin. Please just pass me the bright yellow tulips. And not bougainvillea!

The rest of the world likes Justin Timberlake. I never have and I don’t even have a good reason why. Someone once asked me if it was because he tore Janet Jackson’s shirt during the Superbowl. Nope, that wasn’t it. I didn’t like him long before that wardrobe malfunction.  It might be that Britney Spears was never the same after her romance with him. But I am not sure. I wouldn’t want to hurt his feelings but I can’t force myself to like him either.

These are just a few examples prompted by the honey on my counter. And while I will have honey in the house for guests and those that like it that doesn’t mean I will ever go near it. But I have in the past. Because I have a garden doesn’t mean I have to buy rose bushes. Although I have in the past. There are a lot of flowers and plants to choose from so I’m really not limited. Because I have a television doesn’t mean I have to watch reruns of Justin Timberlake in “The Mickey Mouse Club.” Although I have in the past. Ok, just kidding on that one.

I just know what I like. And what I don’t. And I just need to remember that.

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